Webbinarium: inför COP26
Den 12 oktober bjöd Nordenergi in till presentation och diskussion om förväntningarna på COP26, vilka inspel EU har gjort inför mötet och vilken roll den nordiska energisektorn kan spela framöver på vår väg mot elektrifiering och fossilfrihet. Deltog gjorde Mattias Frumerie, Sveriges chefsförhandlare vid COP-mötet, Erik Bergkvist, EU-parlamentsledamot och Åsa Pettersson, Energiföretagens vd. Webbinariet hölls på engelska.
Nordenergi online discussion: COP26, what role can the Nordic electricity sector play?
Date: October 12th
This year’s global climate conference, COP26, is in many ways particularly significant for global climate action, building on the commitment in 2015 to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Following the agreement at COP21, it is now time to increase ambitions in the countries’ national commitments, the so called nationally determined contributions. COP 26 will also focus on international emissions trading and mechanisms for regulating the international carbon market, which the EU is working on through the proposed Fit-for-55-package. According to studies conducted by the Nordic power sector, the electricity production would need to increase by 60 percent in only 20 years1 to meet the climate goals.
At this webinar we will discuss the expected outcomes from this year's negotiations in Glasgow, the EU's contribution to the COP26 and further, the role of the Nordic power sector in achieving the Paris Agreement. How can the Nordics decarbonise faster? What are the key facilitators to make this happen?
Nordenergi is a collaboration between the Nordic associations for electricity producers, suppliers and distributors. The members are Danish Energy Association, Energy Norway, Finnish Energy, Samorka – Icelandic Energy and Utilities and Swedenergy. Overall, Nordenergi represents more than 800 market actors (member companies), most of them active in the electricity sector, but also in other areas such as district heating, gas and services.