
ESA Package 19.1


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EBR's Electrical Safety Instructions ESA Package include EBR ESA Principles:19.1 and EBR ESA Work:19.1.


Please note that this document is a translation of the original Swedish version. In the event of discrepancies between the original Swedish version and this translation, the original Swedish version shall prevail.

EBR ESA are electrical safety instructions that cover all types of electrical installations.

By working according to EBR ESA, the electrical industry follows the work environment act and the industry's common interpretation of the Swedish standard's instructions for the maintenance of electrical installations, SS-EN 50110.

EBR ESA Package includes EBR ESA Principles:19.1 and EBR ESA Work:19.1. The prerequisite for using ESA Work is that you also have access to the EBR ESA Principles.

Where concepts from the standard SS-EN 50110 exist, the English concept with explanation has been used. Where concepts from the standard were missing, the concept has been translated into a new meaning in English.

Format: Booklet or digital
Pages: 87 and 79 


The content of this publication, including but not limited to texts, images and the trademarks EBR, ESA, EBR-e and ESA Q, is protected by intellectual property laws and may only be used in accordance with such applicable laws.