New in Sweden
Publicerat av: Eva Rydegran ·
Do you have an education that is suitable for a job within the energy sector? Perhaps you have worked in the energy field in your home country? Here you can get help to take it step by step towards a new job in the energy industry.

Take one step at a time
In the first step, you map out your skills – your education, experience and who you are as a person. In the next step, you use that knowledge to create a CV that you then use in the third step, to apply for a work experience placement or a job.
But in the meantime, you can gain a lot from creating networks where you live, and in the industry where you want to work. Then you also practise your Swedish – an important qualification for getting the right job.
Step one is to map out your skills. Click on the picture and get started!
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Elin Fellers
Projektkoordinator välutbildade nyanlända
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