Remissvar EU

Många regelverk som så småningom landar hos svenska energiföretag har sin bakgrund i beslut på EU-nivå. Därför agerar Energiföretagen Sverige både i Bryssel och i Sverige för att påverka den politik som antingen kan resultera i direkt gällande förordningar, eller direktiv som sedan helt eller delvis implementeras i svensk lagstiftning.


A large part of Swedish legislation stems from EU directives and regulations. Therefore, it is an important part of our job to influence the decision making process at an early stage. We have staff and an office in Brussels, where we also work together with our sister organisations from the Nordic countries, to drive issues where we have a common agenda.


Swedenergy's priorities for the EU Strategic Agenda 2024 - 2029  (January 2024)

Respons to Public Consultation on EU DSO Entity and ENTSO-E DRAFT “Proposal for a Network Code on Demand Respons (November 2023) 

Swedenergy's Consultation response on ECHA proposal for a restriction of PFAS (September 2023)

Heat pumps – action plan to accelerate roll-out across the EU (August 2023)

An ambitious 2040 EU climate target in line with the 1,5-degree target set by the Paris Agreemen (June 2023)

RED III position paper hydrogen Swedenergy feb 2022 final (March 2022)

Swedenergy’s comments on the draft report by ENVI MEP Peter Liese on the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) directive (Feb 2022)

Swedenergy’s comments on the draft ENVI report on the revised LULUCF regulation (Feb 2022)

Swedenergy’s comments on the draft report by ENVI MEP Nils Torvalds on the sustainability of biofuels in REDIII (Feb 2022)

Swedenergy’s position on the revised ETS directive (Nov 2021)

Swedenergy’s Position on the revised Renewable Energy Directive (Nov 2021) 

Amendments RED III (Sept 2021)

Swedenergy’s position paper on the update of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) directive (March 2021)

Swedenergy’s position paper on the update of the EU RED directive (March 2021)

Consultation on the Review and the Revision
of Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency (Feb 2021)

Consultation on the Review of Directive 2018
/2001/EU on the promotion of the use of
energy from renewable sources (Feb 2021)

Reviewing Member State emissions reduction targets (Effort Sharing Regulation) in line with the 2030 climate target plan (consultation EU commission, Feb 2021).

Updating the EU Emissions Trading System (consultation EU commission, Feb 2021).

Swedenergys assessment of delegated act proposal under the taxonomy regulation (November 2020)

Swedenergy comments on consultation of roadmap/Inception impact assessment for a review of the Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency (September 2020)

Swedenergys feedback on inception impact assessment of the revision of REDII (September 2020)

Swedenergy's position on the EU climate ambition for 2030 (May 2020)

Nordenergi: EU must focus on green recovery (April 2020)

Swedenergy’s position on how electrification makes Sweden climate neutral by 2045. (January 2020)

Swedenergy’s position on how to make heating in Sweden climate neutral by 2045. (January 2020)